adiós bichitos

learn how to eliminate headlice and nits in a quick and effective way

We are expert trainers in the field of pediculosis in and outside of Spain with more than 15 years of experience.


During our courses, not only will you learn how to remove headlice but we will also teach you all that is relative to the study of pediculosis.

These courses are designed so you will be totally ready to start your own business.

We cover both theory and practice. We put more emphasis on the practical aspect by doing real tests in our center. What’s more, we are at your full disposal to advise you on everything related to this business.

We understand that as it is an expanding market both nationally and internationally, it has great possibilities for success. For this reason we encourage you to call us.

adiós bichitos adiós bichitos
adiós bichitos adiós bichitos


Benefit from our knowledge and experience. With this option we will train you and advise you on how to eliminate and prevent lice.


  • ONLINE training course Basic
  • information about head lice
  • Basic treatment methodology
  • 15 days guarantee
  • Certificate of completion at the end of the course


Designed for those who wish to carry out their work activity in their own residence, home services, annexes to existing businesses or open their own business.


  • ONLINE training course
  • Detailed information about louse
  • Advanced elimination methodology
  • Detection Systems
  • Precautionary measures
  • Myths and Curiosities
  • Professional experience
  • Mentality for the success of your business
  • 15 dayS guarantee
  • Post-course advice
  • Final test to obtain a Certificate
  • Optional in-person real Practices


1ADVISORY BUSINESS Course Adios Bichitos

If you want to start your own business in this sector with our experience and business advice, we will accompany you in the process.


  • “Know How” Adiós Bichitos
  • Integral adviser Online and telephone support
  • Business job training
  • Market study
  • Business management
  • User Experience
  • Marketing and publicity
  • Customer Support
  • Business mentality
  • Machinery and instruments
  • Decoration advice
  • Job place
  • Work Accessories
  • Work products
  • Public sale products
adiós bichitos

If you wish to receive information about our training, leave us your details and we will contact you immediately.

Some advice...