time to say bye-bye to headlice and nits

adiós bichitos
adiós bichitos adiós bichitos

Book an Appointment

At your nearest centre

We understand that the first encounter with headlice can be TERRIBLE!
They will make you feel helpless, not knowing where to start, but don’t despair.
Team Adiós Bichitos is here to give you a hand.

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We are very meticulous

A head-check takes between 15-30 minutos depending on the length and quantity of hair.

adiós bichitos
We will do a thorough head-check using our combing-hoover followed by a section by section inspection of the hair using a magnifying visor
adiós bichitos
Haremos un reconocimiento a fondo con un peinado-aspirado seguido por una inspección mechón por mechón, bajo la lupa.
A head-check takes between 15-30 minutos depending on the length and quantity of hair.
adiós bichitos
Haremos un reconocimiento a fondo con un peinado-aspirado seguido por una inspección mechón por mechón, bajo la lupa.
adiós bichitos

Extraction / Treatment

Say bye-bye to headlice and nits
adiós bichitos

Todos estos pasos se llevan a cabo en una silla cómoda donde el cliente puede distraerse jugando con nuestro ipad, su móvil, su libro, Etc.
Este tratamiento dura entre 30-45 minutos según el tipo de pelo.



Keep them in check

Our team recommends you return after a few days to check that all is good.

Plus we give you useful advice on how to protect you and your family from headlice and nits.



... and lastly

the most important thing
Tratamientos para eliminar piojos Adios Bichitos

Let's have fun!

Our team recommends you return after a few days to check that all is good.

Plus we give you useful advice on how to protect you and your family from headlice and nits.