Now I'm the only pestleft in my house

Why trust our service ?

We are the first headlice removal service in Málaga with centres in Marbella, Algemesí (Valencia), Alcalá de Henares (Madrid) exclusively dedicated to the detection, extraction and prevention of headlice.
We have been up and running since the beginning of 2009. During this time, we have acquired a wealth of experience making us better equipped, organised and trained to fight the battle against headlice. Our service is fast and effective, and will shut down any infestation!
follow our steps to eliminate
1Book an Appointment
If you suspect that you have a case of headlice and nits, the first thing to do is book an appointment at your nearest Adiós Bichitos centre
Our experts will conduct a thorough head-check using our special combing-hoover method followed by a manual inspection of the hair, section by section, with the aid of a medical magnifying visor.
This head-check takes between 15-30 minutes depending on the length and quantity of hair.
We follow a delicate and meticulous method consisting of:
A combing-hoover session, a combing with professional lice-comb, and a manual revision
As standard, we recommend a follow-up appointment after the initial treatment.
Plus, we will give you helpful advice on how to protect you and your family from headlice and nits.
5Fun time!
Having said good-bye to headlice and nits, it’s time for fun and games.
book an appointment to say
good-bye to headlice
we are so good at our job that we train others are you interested in further information?
With 15 years of experience under our belt, we are expert trainers in the field of pediculosis, both at a national and international level.
Our courses teach trainees not only to remove headlice but all there is to know about pediculosis. You will be fully trained to start your own business.
Both theory and practice is covered in our courses. We focus more on practice with real headlice cases at our centres. Plus, we are right by your side to help you with any professional advice.
Because we know this market is rapidly expanding on both a national and international level, we also know it offers great opportunities for success.
Some advice ...
Los piojos y las liendres son una de las principales preocupaciones de los padres, especialmente en época escolar. La aglomeración de niños en espacios reducidos, los juegos donde se produce contacto y las posibilidades intercambio de prendas entre ellos, son factores que aumentan las posibilidades de contagio. A esto, le debemos añadirle que ciertas épocas […]
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